AVIAREPS Highlights in August

05 September 2024

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Global AVIAREPS Highlights in August 2024

August was full of exciting opportunities for us and our teams around the world and we are happy to present last month's highlights!
We are proud to have welcomed many new clients, participated in great events and grown closer together as a team:

Visit Orlando Global Education Week: Our AVIAREPS Sales Managers responsible for Visit Orlando joined the Global Education Week in Orlando to get to know the destination and experience first-hand its offers and tourism products. We proudly represent Visit Orlando in nine key international markets and act as the destination's sales and marketing representative.

Team Building: Our AVIAREPS Germany Tourism team had their yearly kick-off meeting in Munich, to strengthen team bonds, share knowledge & best practices and attend workshops together. Our AVIAREPS Middle East team met for a 3-day intensive training seminar and workshop focused on various critical aspects, including corporate messaging, product knowledge enhancement, team building activities, and the development of professional skills.

Well done, AVIAREPS teams around the world, and congrats on all these wins and a successful month!

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